Bucket Brigadier Arnie019 found this incredible shitter while playing Fortnite!
Finding bathrooms is always the best part of playing any game, and I was pleased when I located this outhouse next to a cabin near Mystery Lake. It can be found on the western edge of the map, north of the Trapper’s Homestead. Its green door is very attractive. Sadly, it seems that shitters in The Long Dark are mere aesthetic props added for ambience, as this outhouse could not be entered, nor interacted with in any way.
The following is a lesson in the wealth disparity of residents on Ravina Boulevard, located in the Palace District of Karnaca. We can see that some residents enjoy numerous creature comforts, including rugs, carved wooden cabinetry, indoor plumbing, and even lovely wall hangings.
Other residents of the same district live in a contrast of poverty. No bathtubs here, only wash basins. They have to empty the chamber pot somewhere, and the “wall hangings” consist of peeling paper. Their very surroundings are sepia-toned.
However, perhaps “wealth” is a subjective matter. The occupant of the second residence evidently bathes their feet in milk, which is quite luxurious, actually.
I’m sure many Bucket Brigadiers can identify with the story of disappointment that I am about to share. While on Shitter Safari, wandering through the dilapidated ruin of Stilton Manor, I looked up to see this a promising location for a shitter sighting. Yes, my heart leapt as I parkoured up some bookshelves, chandeliers and broken beams into Stilton’s attic. But just as a twinkling gem on a riverbed turns out to be merely some glass from a beer bottle, there was no shitter here! Such is the danger of getting one’s hopes up. I even used the Outsider’s Timepiece, desperately hoping to at least find a chamber pot in the past, but this attic was just a housing for a spare bathtub. What a letdown!
Right at the beginning of Dishonored 2, you’ll make your way downstairs to eavesdrop on Mortimer Ramsey and pass this nook filled floor-to-ceiling with chamber pots. They’re all being used for houseplants. I thought this intriguing, but not that unusual. I, too, keep a houseplant in a chamber pot. Well, come back later when you’re ready to face down Delilah and you may ask yourself, “Am I seeing shit?” You’ll find this mess in the room where the pots used to be - This time, the plants are taking root in the floor, and the chamber pots are back to their original intended use!
Dull. Formulaic. Pedantic. What image do these words conjure? For me, it’s Duke Abele’s personal shitter.
The Duke of Serkonos favors the interior design stylings of a sterile hospital, which is ironic, considering the actual working condition of the Addermire Institute, which falls under the Duke’s rule. The cold marble floors, the emotionless floral arrangement, the neatly organized desk accessories - All this gives the impression of a regime on the straight and narrow. Don’t be fooled! In actuality, it is all symptomatic of a man deeply at odds with himself. In spite of his home’s design affect, this dude also attends orgies and has dead bodies piling up in his drug den (located near the guard outpost!).
Special bonus features: That unconscious body in the doorway is the Duke himself! And secondly, a brave “self-portrait” the Duke tried to hide from me on his balcony. Sorry, but I make it my business to enter a building through the roof, and couldn’t help but capture this masterpiece for eternity on my hard drive. This two-dimensional derpy mug, and its numerous chins, must to be celebrated. Hiding this genius from the world would be a crime.