Treasure Room shitter!

Near the Hogwarts Castle grand staircase you’ll find a door that can be opened with a lil’ math puzzle that will reveal this pirate’s locker of shitters and other sanitation fixtures. I’m delighted to see this of course, but also - why is this here? Why would they need to store extra cisterns, bowls, sinks, and tubs anywhere, when they have a Room of Requirement that can effortlessly create anything they might need out of thin air?

This Hogwarts Legacy shitter represents a $5 donation to Plan International USA!

Pastureside shitter!

This shitter represents the first donation to Plan International USA! Founded in 1937, this international humanitarian charity aims to end the oppression of gender inequality, including sanitation facilities that allow for equal access for all people regardless of gender.

This fancy Victorian shed is a fine and well-lit potty for the use of the farmers who work the fields surounding Hogsmeade. I enjoy that the door faces away from the town, tha’s +1 to privacy tha’ is. But there’s more! This isn’t just any old pasture outhouse. Roll over the image to see a real porcelain throne, with elevated cistern, copper pipes, and a stack of BOOKS! There’s even an extra lantern, in case you don’t know Lumos or something??

Physics Failure shitter!

Here’s a shitter from Hogwarts Legacy, submitted by Bucket Brigadier of the Year for 2023, ILikeSocks:

“HARRY POOPER! HERGWERTS! I don’t remember where this was. It was right after the first bit of quests where they have you do Charms and Defense Against Dark Arts classes. I was goofing around and found a shitter with a treasure chest in it. The needless bend in the pipe bothers me.”

The shitter itself cannot be blamed for being innocently caught in the imbroglio of its surroundings, however I do think it important to focus in on what the fuck is happening there with the stall hinges. Look at this mess. That is NOT how hinges work!