It’s time for the 2020 Blue Bowl Awards!

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that we have to work hard to build the world we want. As such, the Gaming Thrones Blue Bowl Committee (it’s me) has unanimously recognized this phenomenal shitter, hand-crafted by Final Fantasy XIV player Ashen Bride, as 2020’s first place winner!

Clever and introspective, charming in every way. This design is coating my eyeballs in “home-sweet-home” energy! The shitter itself is made of at least four different furniture pieces, masterfully clipped together. The utility of the room is modern and efficient, with a stacking washer-dryer combo, complete with upper cabinetry, and a tiled shower stall. But the details are what complete this award-worthy shitter: Wainscotting along the rear wall, an empty baguette basket as a wastepaper basket, the little shelf items, and plenty of “natural” lighting. So much careful consideration has gone into this fantastic design!

Let’s all be like Ashen Bride, and craft a beautiful world for ourselves and each other. Happy New Year! It’s going to take work, it is my ardent prayer that in 2021, we attain everything we yearn for: The security and comfort of a well-appointed, custom-decorated shitter!

This shitter was submitted to me by Bucket Brigadier Solo Espresso, so $5 will be donated by Gaming Thrones to the World Toilet Organization. Thank you for your submission, brigadier!

The 2020 Bucket Brigadier of the Year is…

Congratulations, Azi! I know you thought nothing good would come out of 2020’s ugly ass, but what a relief it must be to receive this honor, which you can certainly put in the “volunteer work” section of any resume. Throughout the year, Azi has been a true friend and stalwart companion, exposing me to shitters heretofore unknown. Such as the interactive shitters of Animal Crossing! It was enough to make me want to get the game myself. Azi also waded toe-deep into New World to find me a potty. Azi is always encouraging me by chuckling at my jokes, so I guess you could blame him for a lot of the crap that came out of this blog in 2020! Thanks a lot, Azi. This year, let’s flush out even more shitters together!

Happy New Year from Gaming Thrones!

Life is uncertain! May 2021 bring us more content than ever before, let gaming shitters overflow!! Please look forward to our Blue Bowl 2020 award and the Bucket Brigadier of the Year, uploading soon!

Driftwood’s Roadside Port-o-potties!

Here’s two shitters I found with our Bucket Brigadier of 2020, Azi! Look, there’s one for both of us.

I gotta say I don’t really understand these medieval shitters. If you take logic into consideration, they would likely be a seat atop an 8-foot-deep pit in the ground that gets covered up when it’s full. It’s gotta be used about 700 times a day, on the roadside like it is. If we’re honest, nobody is emptying this. So why did this township elect to place their shitter right here, 3 feet from the road? It really ought to be set further back from the main thoroughfare.

But anyway. This little blonde shit is named Pidge and he lives in the sad little town called Driftwood. Pidge for real just hangs out at the toilets and waits to talk to you about Ascension. I guess for a medieval child, there’s not a ton of fun to be had. He doesn’t even have a hoop to chase with a stick, and life is short and dark in Driftwood, so this is his calling in life. Damn, Divinity 2: Original Sin is tragic as fuck.

Cyberpunk 2077 Shitter from Somewhere!

Brought to you by ヴァニーニャ from GameSpark, who says the following: “汚いトイレもありました!” I love the gritty atmosphere of this shitter. Very punk indeed, and mysterious! Where is this shitter? Is it in a slum? Or in a high-end, exclusive, jet-setting dance club? That tarp with the spray paint? Maybe it’s not a tarp at all. Maybe it’s an art piece, and it was expensive as shit.

Death Stranding’s Poop-to-Grenade Converter!

This impeccable article on Polygon cannot be eclipsed, in either writing or explanation of what is happening in its video so I encourage you to check out the article, and watch the video! 2020 hit us all like a Roto-Rooter, and as a casualty of this entire year I have not played as many games as I would have liked. But others have played them. And it has helped me immeasurably that I can read about this on Polygon, instead of continuing on into the future like a dummy, without knowing that in Death Stranding, you CAN poop, you can ONLY poop in this one area, and that poop gets turned into grenades. Then he flips you off at the end of the video. What I like about this is that we start talking about how normal the function of pooping is. As Jack Sim stated at the 2020 World Toilet Summit, we always talk about what we are eating, but we never talk about what happens afterward. What happens afterward is we make scifi weapons!!

Please note: At no point in this video does Norman Reedus wash his hands. What in anti-Science HELL?