NukaWorld Funhouse shitter!

Ready for some FUN?! The world has gone all topsy-turvy! I have to ask you to try not to shriek … with delight! at this Clown Shitter, which is truly a testament to the brilliance of Bethesda Game Studios circa 2016. The Funhouse is a linear maze of optical illusions, including corridors of mirrors, and a room with a spinning floor with doors all along the walls and if you were to actually grab one of the doorknobs with your hand to try to open it while the room is spinning you’d probably dislocate your shoulder. You know, generic funhouse shit. And there’s this area, which is modelled after a suburban house, except the furniture is glued to the ceilings and walls. The best part of all is of course the shitter. Thank you to the designer that decided this needed to be here. Because it absolutely does.

Silver Shroud shitter!

Listen up, dollface, you’re gonna be a star! Hear me? And we gotta special dressing room ready for you, this is gonna knock your socks clean off, see? Just wait’ll ya see this, kid. Of course it’s private! But you know one or two of us might need to sneak in there to use the toilet now and then. Atta girl, you’re a real team player kiddo! Just mind the splintered floor boards and the ghouls of course and I’ll show you around the joint!

Ya just put cha coat heah, ya gotcha comic books heah, it- it’s ..carpeted, it’s state-of-the-art carpeting, too! Look how textured it is! And just look at this soundproofing! Ain’t nothin’ gettin’ through bricks, kid. All right we’ll leave ya here to get settled in. Welcome to Hollywood!

Aldecaldos Camp shitter!

Even in the barren wastes of the Badlands, you can find beauty. This shitter is something special. It’s located in the Aldecaldos camp where squats Panam Palmer’s misfit family. This shitter is an example of how a little ingenuity and know-how can be the difference between living the high life and merely surviving. I’ll leave it to you to determine which one is happening here.

Notice the platform of plastic palettes that lift the shitters about 6 inches from the ground. This is an important step to constructing an outdoor shitter, because the scorpions, sand fleas, crickets, cockroaches, and other icky crawlers have a harder time getting near where you place your ass. Regardless, you’re gonna wanna lift and slam down that seat lid at least once before sitting, just in case. The spray left on the unit surfaces is a nice touch. The plastic curtain is okay, I guess, it at least gives the illusion of privacy and it’s better than anything opaque since you never know what kind of scum is lurking around taking pictures in the toilets. I’m going to guess the cartons are for holding various shitter sundries such as more pest control measures and toilet paper. The magazine on the ground is a No. That’s just more fuel for pests to use for nesting material, or to hide under. But let’s cut these folks some slack. At least they set this up, and that’s more than most would do in this situation. That’s saying a lot considering the average Aldecaldo education extends as far as “driving stick.”

Horrible Crime Against Humanity shitter!

IDEK what to call this bullshit. Let me set the stage for you here. Bradley Costigan was an “inside choom” at a Militech prison, but he decided he’s not into that choomery anymore and the Tyger Claws didn’t like hearing that. Unfortunately for his wife Lauren, that means she gets kidnapped and thrown into this absolute fucking travesty of a holding cell, and I have just one question - Where? Is? The Shitter? Taki Kazo, the United Nations wants to have a word with you because as the boss of this little band of criminally-violent street urchins, you are responsible for this shit!

Lauren is basically non-responsive when I find her in a filthy mess of cardboard and graffiti, but she perks right up when heroically rescued from this condemned concrete pit. Incredible how that works. I did this one as a stealth mission, but trust me when I say as soon as I completed it, I went back through here and taught each one of these Tyger Claw idiots a lesson in human decency.

Memorial Park Station shitter!

It’s another shitstorm of corruption, murder, and espionage in Night City. This time, some nobody on the Night City Council killed a journalist with computer magic. While sneaking around in the station that houses the CCTV footage you need, you find a man getting the shit beaten out of him in a bathroom. And the only real reason I’m here is to get snaps of the shitters, so when I shook him by the collar and demanded to know - “Are there any other shitters in the building?! Tell me!!” - he had the gall to say purely the most disgusting thing ever. Every shitter is unique and precious! Though this one has seen better days. What could compel someone to scrawl “No Future” on a substandard privacy barrier? I’m guessing it was the mystery meat kebabs.

Hippie Hideaway shitter!

Torres Piombo is listed as a “minor character” in the cast of Hitman, but if we’re getting honest, he’s probably the biggest character because he provides so much ocular spice. In the classy Mediterranean town of Sapienza, Torres Piombo is simultaneously just one man, and somehow also a buffet of eclectic colors, style, and aromas. The ankle bracelet-clad Bohemian alpha male exudes rainbow-hued bachelor aura waves from his penthouse apartment above the (checks notes) Town Hall? Lose yourself in the peaceful swirling and twirling to the music emanating from his Zen den. Marvel at his collection of cans, bottles, and Buddhist figurines, while partaking of his whacky weed. Sink your toes into the luxury of the garnet shag bathroom rug set. Get fired up to punch a Nazi after experiencing the unbridled testosterone of his Fascism-killing acoustic musical implement!

In this screenshot, submitted by bucket brigadier Swolito, we see beatnik lamb Torres needlessly slaughtered. At least his dearest companion in this life was at his side during his final moments! Alas, a shitter cannot give testimony in RICO trials.

D&D Tavern Shitter!

From our Bucket Brigadier of the Year 2021, Emrysin, here are two gendered toilet banks in an actual Dungeons and Dragons tavern map. This is a rare Birdseye View shitter. Says Emrysin: “That’s the tavern we were staying at while investigating a series of murders tied to un underworld crime syndicate. The well in the center of the room goes down into the sketchy place. When we entered the tavern the first time, some slimes and a troll came out of the hole. The tavern is known for the hole in the middle of it, it’s named after it, if I remember correctly.”

How do the toilets factor into the dice rolling? If you go in there and roll a 2, is that a good thing? According to Emrysin, “A giga-slime creature did come out of the toilet, that we had to fight too. It was all very questionable.”