Where’s the shitter?

From bucket brigadier ILikeSocks, this memo can be found in the game Control. From our brigadier: “Yeah, the building is constantly shifting and shit, so apparently an entire department’s bathrooms just decided to move themselves. Every day we stray further from god.”

Resident Evil’s Mobile Home shitter!

This one is part of the “Shitters of Fear” Anthology. From bucket brigadier ILikeSocks! I asked him if this doll was significant somehow to the plot? He says:

“Oh lol. It’s just a mannequin. You got captured by the cannibal mold people. It’s right after you escape the main house and reach the trailer to save before you move to the next area. There’s all this creepy shit throughout the house. Mannequins with barbed wire and babies wrapped in it hanging from the bridge.”

It’s this forced-fear shit that really makes you stop and think, Who is setting up this scene? Guys, we need more barbed wire and babies in here, or we’re not convincing anybody!

Midwich Elementary School shitter!

Dead by Daylight has only one Silent Hill map - it’s this one, and it has a shitter! This one is brought to us by bucket brigadier Emrysin. I know we have seen in the past where bathrooms make great squats for would-be killers and their ofttimes victims, but here’s a story that teaches us that shitters can be a bridge for community between these warring factions:

“First picture is obviously a solid shot of the toilet. Actually, this bathroom has a secret passage connected to it that goes from the upstairs to the downstairs portion of the bathroom. It has pipes and things, and the only way that you can get to it is if the killer breaks open the passageway. Well, sometimes you’ll encounter troll killers who are friendly and instead of killing you they fuck around with you, in a nice way. After NOT getting a troll killer for a long time, we happened to get one on this map; it was Ghost Face. In the first picture you’ll see this Ghost Face who is wearing an outfit with a red demon mask and is, in fact, not murdering us. Also apparently ugly sweaters are a thing and everyone insisted upon wearing their ugly sweater.

So this killer, we brought him to the bathroom. We were like, wash your hands, it’s important. We kept pointing at the sinks and he did a lot of crouching up and down, and I hid in a locker, and he ripped me out of the locker to carry me (as killers do). In the last photo, the bar at the top indicates the match is ending, and so we did a crouch dance for the killer. And he was very pleased.”

Fantasy Art Cosplay, wearable art and phography prints by Archer Inventive.

Whispering Depths shitter!

Submitted by bucket brigadier Emrysin! This is a secret clubhouse shitter. This cave, called the Whispering Depths, is hidden beneath a brew pub in a fucked-over/abandoned/ruined town which is now just called “Blighted Village”. Yes, once goblins get ahold of your town it just takes on this tainted moniker and you can forget about the picket fences and the bunting! This cavern is where a lot of spiders and desiccated corpses hang out, and they’ve been chilling here for a lot longer than the goblins. Trust. Turns out there’s a full-on Necromancer that’s been camping out in there as well, and this is where he would sometimes go to read and be alone. Similar to how a small child might claim a crawlspace, and maybe set up a beanbag, a tiny table, and some snacks and comics, the Necromancer has a little bunk here where he broods over his love of spiders, dark gemstones, and shadows. There are numerous diaries, lots of nondescript and dirty fabric, crumbling scrolls, unlabeled dusty bottles, and a SHITTER!!

The Legacy Outhouse of Beecher’s Hope!

Today’s shitter is brought to us by bucket brigadier Casper! This Wild West outhouse comes with quite the backstory. This is a legacy shitter, and the hero character’s name is JOHN! Destiny is calling. Gather ‘round the campfire, brigadiers, as Casper spins us the yarn of this remarkable loo:

“This may be the shitter I am most passionate about. Now, it doesnt look like much. But that crap shack and outhouse are what paved the way for the ultimate end of one of the greatest Western stories ever told. This is the MOST important crapper in the West, I’m telling you! There is SO much owed to this shitter, you have no idea. Let me educate you…

The land around this cabin, and that shit shack ahead of it, is the land of Beecher’s Hope. That shack and shitter were part of the previous landowner’s home, who as it turns out doesn’t need either anymore. With the help of two of his closest friends, John Marston (a future hero of the West) builds his family home all by hand. But the shitter is what kept those men comfortable while they built a legendary home. Sure, by the end they had a proper ‘modern toilet’, but where would those men have deposited the goods beforehand? The modern shitter might be more difficult to find. I’d have to swap consoles, hope it’s in that version. If it isn’t, then I’ll play the first game and get to the end just to see it.

There’s more. THAT SHITTER RIGHT THERE is why John’s family is taken, and why he ventures across the old Western America and even into Mexico. That shitter led to the downfall of what was left of the old gang and eventually gave John the land of his final resting place. This is the shitter of the American Dream. Because if that lonely shitter wasnt there, then John probably wouldn’t have build his family home. And the downfall of the gang is because they end up being the villains of the next game! There is FAR too much to say about this long-drop.”

Wow, this outhouse is like the architect of dreams and nightmares. And that Grim Reaper’s scythe leaning against the door? Savage. Get yourself right with Sanitation. Judgement Day is coming; the shitters shall decide.

This shitter is a contender for the esteemed Blue Bowl of 2021.

Graham Grundy’s shitter!

Submitted by bucket brigadier Clay! Here’s the story as we learned from Clay:

“Graham Grundy is some dead guy you find outside the mega city, and you take his u-chip (which is like his identity in a chip). You go to his house because you’re trying to find these missing kids, and he’s somehow connected. His wife is there already being interviewed by a guy from the Ministry of Wellbeing, he’s asking about her missing husband and then you pretend to BE him… Anyway you wander around his house trying to learn more about him while she is distracting the guy, and this is his bathroom! Where he hung his employee of the month pic, lol.”

I guess a lot of people do take selfies in the bathroom and you know that selfie is gonna be a banger when you get that Employee of the Month pic in the background of it. Graham Grundy knew what was up. Watching the likes roll in on his selfies with that booster floating in the bg. Get it, Graham.

We’re back, Brigade!

A belated Happy Pride, brigadiers! Life has been pretty incredible lately but I’m happy to report that first of all, I am alive! Due to some pretty wild circumstances, I have been unable to update the blog for just about 6 full months. But the stars aligned and not only are we back but we have so many - LOADS - of brigadier-submitted shitters queued up and waiting to be analyzed, critiqued, praised and/or ridiculed. I’m very excited to share them with you, so please look forward to that. Enjoy these last proud days of June and then get ready for Christmas in July, Gaming Thrones style!