Fungal Farmhouse shitters!

Remnant: From the Ashes is a co-op survival game with shitters! Check out this contribution from Bucket Brigadier Emrysin:

“These are actually two different toilets. The glowing thing is a healing potion; it’s called bloodwort, and it’s inside of the toilet. As we were exploring the DLC, I saw this abandoned farmhouse and I thought, ‘I wonder if there’s a toilet.’ So I asked Alec, ‘Have you seen a toilet,’ and he said, ‘What do you mean, I was JUST in the bathroom.’ There was an event that happened right outside the farmhouse, it was called Survive the Swarm. After surviving the swarm of corruption, I found time to relax in this restroom.”

Incredible reporting from this Brigadier. And welcome to the newest member of the Bucket Brigade, Alec! Not sure how I feel about HP potions inside toilets, but I guess you have to do whatever it takes to survive! I had to turn up the brightness on these screenshots because this is one dank farmhouse but I’m enjoying the wallpaper, the handicap-accessible doorframes, and the push-button flush mechanism on the shitters. Whenever I see one of these in a game, I think about that one anachronism from Fallout 76.

Empty Fancy shitter!

It’s fancy. And I’m not sure if that’s because it has a woodgrain toilet seat, or if it’s because of the goldtone flush handle, or maybe because it remains intact while the entire wall behind it has been annihilated. “DIY’d into a walk-through garden passway!” is what the MLS listing for this house would read. Granted, I haven’t seen the other shitters in this game (if any), so I don’t know how fancy it is compared to those. This shitter comes to us from bucket brigadier Emrysin and it’s from the game 7 Days to Die. According to our brigadier, you can’t use the toilet, it’s merely decorative. And maybe provides minimal cover for your bow and arrow when the time comes to defend your hovel against the legions of the undead, but I wouldn’t stake my life on it.

The Witness: Alternate Ending shitter!

This game came out in 2016 and it’s still easily one of the best, most relaxing brain teasers available. As you may know, in the very first zone there’s an archway that presents as a puzzle and if you complete it, you get to see the game credits. It meanders and leads you to this alternate ending where you see one of the game creators waking up from a VR sleep, connected to a piss bottle. I sadly didn’t get a shot of the piss bottle (you’re welcome). This bloke wanders around eating cookies and stuff and he also shows you where the bathroom is. So this is the only shitter in The Witness. You don’t get to see the inside, he just stands there caressing the sigil and then moves on, but it deserves to be documented regardless. It’s here in this hallway, take a right after the Christmas Tree and it’s just before you get to the lovely, ornamental, backyard, urban zen garden.

Toilet of the Astral Plane!

Have you ever wondered where angels, Morpheus, and Elon Musk all prefer to spend their thinking time? It’s right here. Thank you to our Bucket Brigadier ILikeSocks for being the oracle of this porcelain messiah. From Control, this is the Astral Plane shitter! Get your reiki-charged moonwater enemas ready and make sure those amethyst crystals are up your butt, cos this is where you shit them out. Incredibly, there’s even a secret achievement associated with this shitter.

This shitter is a contender for the esteemed Blue Bowl of 2021.

Moldy Threshold shitters!

Bucket Brigadier ILikeSocks has blessed our eyeballs with these gorgeous shitters! These are all from the game Control. First, we have an exceptional shiny metal specimen! Please note the bling bling reflections, the toxic waste, plus a magazine labeled CHICKEN. I really do like the “Sink Twice” model here, fully clad in modern AF stainless steel, and the sign here seems to indicate that yes, you can dump that toxic sludge you’ve been looking to dispose of down this very drain. Although it still has a ways to go to be fully environmentally-conscious, as there’s both TP and HP (Hand Paper) being dispensed in this room.

Second, this bank of shitters. You set forth on the noble quest to obtain mold spores called “Type B”, aka butt variety. From our brigadier: “I got a side quest that involves getting some mold samples, and one of them specifically says I gotta find it near toilets.” Quests involving shitters will always win my heart over, so I’ll go ahead and endorse this game I haven’t played yet. Gotta be a good one if it features shitters as NPCs.

This shitter is a contender for the esteemed Blue Bowl of 2021.

Hag shitter!

I wasn’t sure what to call this one because it’s just from a random map in Dead by Daylight. This rather tragic story is brought to us by bucket brigadier Emrysin who suffered horribly to get us this photograph. So at least try to stifle your horrified laughter as you take in this quite dramatic and heroic yarn:

“I said to my teammate, ‘We have to find the shitter.’ We ran by the house, I photographed the toilet, and I realize I should have made it more of a central focus of the photo, but as we are in the house I hear this noise and I think Oh whatever, it’s a noise, but then the killer found me. And I got the special kind of murder. In this match, the killer was The Hag and she - you can see her in the last photo - well, I’m bleeding out on the ground, and she has approached me and my teammate is there, and he is running away. As you can see. And you can see how I am being murdered. She sliced me and then she stuck her hand in and pulled out a thing and my teammate is there teabagging me before he runs away and this is what happened to me when I had to get that toilet. This is the fate that befell me.”