Submitted by bucket brigadier ThatOneCroatian! We went on shitter safari together where he showed me how Payday 2 has shitters like these. I can’t seem to correctly recall exactly what this place was because at the time there was a lot going on (explosions, flash grenades, tons of people in masks, darkness, neon lights) but I think this is either the interior of a club, or a bowling alley. Something like that. Payday 2’s shitters are cheerful and energetic, with lots of graffiti and textural details, like this reptile-themed condom dispenser.
This is a shitter that you (the main dude, Henry) may find while exploring the castle in Rattay. It’s pretty great, right? I’d wager the lid (when actually in use) keeps things like bats and sparrows from coming into the castle, but you know what else would help? A door.
You’ll find this shitter on your way to a meeting with Sirs Hanush and Radzig. Here’s a still frame of a cutscene from that meeting. Fun fact: One of the quests in this town is finding shit-shoveling jobs for the displaced survivors of the Skalitz massacre.
The personal shitter of Baron Sebastian vom Berg! This one, in a private bedchamber and NOT a public hallway, has a door! It also has a bucket. In my experience, a bucket of this time period placed thusly is a sufficient shitter, but this monastery bedroom gets a little of both.
Every now and then a game redeems itself with some top notch shitters. Say what you will about nearly everything having to do with Fallout 76, but the shitter safaris almost always bring home a trophy.
Here’s the men’s and women’s restrooms at The Rusty Pick, an odd little shoppe where you can exchange scrips for legendary items. The women’s room is completely blocked off as storage for arcade cabinets, because we know what a barrel of fun it is to be a chick during the apocalypse. It looks like the the shopkeeper (a molewoman?) has designated this as an employees-only lavatory. The men’s room is where all the action happens. I guess this is how molepeople think humans live. Mole Girl has collected dressmaker’s ephemera and nailed it along the walls for that “huh?” element. With two stalls conveniently separated by the unparalleled privacy of chainlink fencing, there is also a bank of urinals, and a tinker’s bench, in case you want to touch things and do fine craftwork while you’re in there. At least there are sinks.
Something you learn right away when playing the Outer Worlds is that in this universe, the wrong people always get locked up. And this is just one of the places where innocent people are held for bad reasons - the Edgewater Constabulary! That one doing paperwork has decent intentions I suppose, but watch how it absolutely blows her mind when you don’t immediately rat on the guy who saved your life in the first 3 minutes of the game, the “notorious criminal” Phineas Welles.
Wonderful example of a classic prison shitter. The spot where ya crap is in full view of the front door to the Constabulary, and the “public shower” flooring, somehow coated in standing water though the cell remains empty, only adds to the total fucking bummer this place is.