Brought to you by ヴァニーニャ from GameSpark, who says the following: “汚いトイレもありました!” I love the gritty atmosphere of this shitter. Very punk indeed, and mysterious! Where is this shitter? Is it in a slum? Or in a high-end, exclusive, jet-setting dance club? That tarp with the spray paint? Maybe it’s not a tarp at all. Maybe it’s an art piece, and it was expensive as shit.
This impeccable article on Polygon cannot be eclipsed, in either writing or explanation of what is happening in its video so I encourage you to check out the article, and watch the video! 2020 hit us all like a Roto-Rooter, and as a casualty of this entire year I have not played as many games as I would have liked. But others have played them. And it has helped me immeasurably that I can read about this on Polygon, instead of continuing on into the future like a dummy, without knowing that in Death Stranding, you CAN poop, you can ONLY poop in this one area, and that poop gets turned into grenades. Then he flips you off at the end of the video. What I like about this is that we start talking about how normal the function of pooping is. As Jack Sim stated at the 2020 World Toilet Summit, we always talk about what we are eating, but we never talk about what happens afterward. What happens afterward is we make scifi weapons!!
Please note: At no point in this video does Norman Reedus wash his hands. What in anti-Science HELL?
Bob Vila might say this three-story woodframe farmhouse has some excellent bones, because it’s still standing just fucking fine after all the bombing, raiding, and mutating occurring all around it since Shit Went Down. The squatters who claim this abode are incredibly verbally hostile, but they’re cool with you photographing the shitter. Just going to come out and say it… Caveman had better standards of cleanliness. And it’s bullshit to claim that in a world without Kroger, there’s no way to get your hands on some soap! Unless you want to end up like these guys, scrounging through the Libraries of Yesteryear for Soapmaking Lore, do yourself a favor and read up on making cleaning products from wood ash while the internet is still a thing.
We did it, brigade! Thanks to bucket brigadier Omninuts and his Nutsack community on Twitch, we not only met our goal of $400 (Singapore), we blasted right past it! As of this morning, our campaign has raised $729 - and it’s not even over! We still have until November 18 at midnight to raise as much as possible for the World Toilet Organization. The incredible success of this campaign has brought new light to my heart and I am more determined than ever to bring you top notch gaming shitters. So I have decided that for every Bucket Brigade submission of a new shitter, I will donate five dollars to this cause. It is going to really add up and I’m very excited to post a new shitter submission link on the page. This submitter will be available shortly. Check it out and send those shitters.
While strolling around the township of Foundation, you’ll find these two basic-bitch wooden potty stalls. They’re identical, and even the toilet paper inside has been placed in the exact spot within each. But these no-nonsense shitters aren’t the only squats to spot here at Foundation. Within the underground part of the town, there’s this other rather gorgeous shitter, lit from above with the golden light of heaven a single bare bulb. The metal push-button toilet is very industrial-chic for sure, but here’s the awkward problem - according to US Patent #5291620A, this type of toilet wasn’t invented until 1993 - far outside the timeline in which the Fallout story takes place. It’s also not exactly functional because the lid doesn’t raise, but it’s a nice art piece.
Submitted by 2019 Bucket Brigadier of the Year, Khazya! Now here’s an example of “don’t judge a game by it’s initial lack of shitters,” brigade. I tried Destiny 2 a little over a year ago. After scouring the starter zone for any evidence of a shitter - and finding none - I decided No shitters? NO LOVE. But I was wrong, brigade.
This crapper can be found on Europa, behind a fully transparent surround, although there’s a cardboard privacy standee kind of propped up next to it. Tons of toilet paper. This is some loot right here. Also a very comfy bed! It does look like a bare mattress from here, but I saw it up close and it was a sleeping bag made from that reflective survival bedding that astronauts use. Not a bad spot to squat.
Every year on November 19, the World Toilet Organization celebrates their victories, outlines new goals, and presents their plea to the world at large for donations to their incredible charity effort to bring safe and clean toilets to underserved communities. Just some of their projects this year included waterless composting toilets in Xi`an City, China! The WTO also expanded their Rainbow School Toilet Program in China. You can read their Annual Report from 2019 here, and please look forward to their updated 2020 Annual Report in the coming days.
Bucket Brigade, this year we are doing something special for our friends at the World Toilet Organization. The Gaming Thrones community is seeking to raise $400 (Singapore) before World Toilet Day - November 19 - to add to the WTO yearly goal! Whether you are a veteran brigadier, or if you wish to join the ranks as a new member: Please consider being part of our charity drive by making a secure PayPal donation via our Campaign Link! You can give any amount - even a donation of $5 will help us reach our goal. What might seem like a drop in the bucket can add up significantly! You’ll be a part of making a world of difference for a person you may never meet, but who will thank you multiple times daily. Additionally, myself, and the WTO at large will sincerely thank you for your contribution. To ensure the funds get to the destination before World Toilet Day, the fundraising will close on November 18, 2020 at midnight.