Until I find a shitter in Stalker 2 for now I’ll just Metro in place. Metro Exodus is gifted to us by 4A, also a product of Ukraine, and it has stunning shitters. Here’s one from an Bandit encampment that raises a bit of an eyebrow. The bandits in this game are sub-fucking-human. And lucky for you, they are also really dumb. This guy was crapping on a tire stack with his pants fully on his body. Pair that with an extremely low-IQ construction concept. But I see you and I validate you, Tire Shitter. It’s not your fault.
The world is indeed full of perils, and in it there are many dark places, but still there is much that is fair. And though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.
Haldir said this when he was talking about Lothlorien but you know what, damn if it doesn’t apply just as readily to the human right to sanitation. While everything we love and which is so precious to us is being fucked into the ground here’s Gaming Thrones still spreading the love. I could not be more proud of the Bucket Brigade and the entire community at Gaming Thrones for raising $325 - in this economy - for the people who need it the most. This exceeds the previous donation from 2023, but there is still more work to be done. My sincere hope is that 2025 brings us what we all so desperately need, during these time when hope is frail. And that’s VIDEO GAMES WITH COMPELLING SHITTERS. Okay? That’s what we fucking need. Because the more video game shitters we get, the more donations go out to the World Toilet Organization. The world is waiting. Step up, Silicon Valley!
And I’m not just talking bowls. I’m talking real, compelling, serious character development in these shitters. Like back in the day. And I have faith. This is a very exciting time to be alive. When all that surrounds us is a pitch bog of corruption and cruelty, even a glimmer of the light of hope is blinding.
This donation will be sent to our charity of choice, the World Toilet Organization, just as soon as I am fucking able to peel my ass off the floor because tbf, I have been a little bit busy. Another reason why the Bucket Brigade is so incredibly important to this whole world. Without them, we probably wouldn’t have 2 septims to rub together let alone $300 smackers to send on down the line to WTO. As a reminder, every brigadier-donated shitter submission is worth $5. The Bucket Brigadier of the Year award is $25, and the yearly Blue Bowl Award is worth an additional $25. Every year on World Toilet Day we send the donation to our sanitation charity of choice. You can read more About Gaming Thrones.
This shitter is like the girl sitting in the library with earbuds in, reading a book with her laptop open with her back to the rest of the room. Hair in face. Bag on the chair next to her. Leave her the fuck alone! Find some other place to hang out.
Due to supply chain issues in the Otherworld, the shitters are making their own 100 proof Coping Syrup.
The graphics in this are seriously out of this fucking world. Take a look at the mitering on the baseboard molding by the back of the vanity. The lines of moldy black water from the toilet’s rim jets. The light throwing facets on the cracked tile. I can really imagine hating every second of hanging out in this place. And therefore, due to the empathy, I gotta say fuck these demons! The shitter is not your ashtray, assholes. You didn’t want to toss it on the ground, and risk ruining that absolute vintage toilet flange rug that keeps your wittle demon feets off the cold, cold tiles! Just standing around smoking cigs waiting for the next vic to show up. Like volunteer rodeo clowns in a damn corn maze.
“There is a shitter in this video. I intended to go back to that stall to get a good long look at it on film. Unfortunately, I fucking shit myself before I had a chance to. I wasn’t pausing to end the clip. I was pausing because I damn near fell out of my chair.”