Fort Fellhammer shitter = FALSE!

Brigade, when you’re out on Shitter Safari you may come across a scene that looks every bit the role a true shitter. It has the bucket, the shovel, the stool, and from this first angle you think Yeah, that’s gotta be a shitter! But upon closer inspection, while obtaining the best possible angle for your screenshot you can clearly see this stuff is merely Caveman Sundries for simpleton bandits that think this is a place people live. Don’t be fooled! Stay alert!

Hopetown Ranger Station shitter!

The Freestar Rangers have outposts everywhere and here’s the one at Hopetown where the bunk/workout room has an en suite. Within the confines of this shitter is a motivational and beauty inspo graphique pinned above the toilet of the hot, fine, fit, athletic and stylish Violet, now who is Violet you ask? Hover your mouse over this photo to find the most likely answer. This is Violet Ibarra, the finest example of beauty in the entire galaxy. This skilled aesthetician at Paradiso’s ENHANCE! is one of Peter Paul Rubens celebrated divas. Don’t take my word for it, she’ll tell you herself she spent credits to get this perfect. She did a good thing for herself when she quit that team for some self-love. Roller derby or whatever can move over because just now I’m all about this apple cake.

Argos Extractors Mining Outpost on Vectera shitter!

This is your home base shitter, the place where your story begins! And it’s out of order. There’s a metaphor in there, I think. The problem here was caused by Heller, it’s not really his problem so much as everyone’s problem now. No need to call INTERPOL because it’s common knowledge by now but the “correct configuration” for the paper is an argument for lesser minds. There are so many other things about a toilet that actually matter. Obviously actually having paper at all is important, which we will note this bathroom does not. Set thine house in order, Argos! All of this begs the question: How do you suppose one takes a shit while wearing an interstellar snuggie? Is there a flap in the back?

Look Again shitter!

Once in a lifetime opportunity! Not really. But here are some of the most annoying people giving their two differing outlooks on the same shitter and it took some planning to get this one, so I hope you’re thanking me. On the left you have portly egg-shaped Detective Shelby - this is his shitter - and I mean this is just a scene where you lurch around your apartment, take a piss and then someone knocks on your door. Hand washing is 10000% not happening in this scene so think twice before you shake hands with a detective.

On the right you have Madison Paige who really needs at least two y’s in the spelling of her name if she’s gonna sell that personality. Why is SHE in Detective Shelby’s shitter? It’s simple, really. And when I tell you, you should have no more questions. She crawled through the wall whilst escaping an arson inferno. Obviously!

The real bonus here is in the second picture where Shelby is showing us the actual face he makes while he pees. So, now that both you and I have lived through seeing that, what do you do now? Tell your therapist immediately? Have a night terror? Leave your family and become a street corner prophet? You could do all those things and it would never erase this image from your mind. The Origami Killer has more than one method of spoiling your serenity! That’s what makes him such a criminal genius.

The Sprawling Luxury of Corruption shitter!

Why is it that only the worst people have the best, nicest shitters? Here’s where Norman Osborn takes a crap after taking a crap all over the good people of NYC in his side gig as the Green Goblin. Tons of excessive cut stone slabs and probably endangered wood if we’re being real. In spite of this jackoff’s depraved sense of morality and flippant respect for science, he’s got everything nice in his shitter, except of course - You know what I’m going to say! Who needs a door when nobody wants to spend time around you!

This shitter was submitted by Bucket Brigadier Rockin T! In this scene, MJ currently trespassing trying to find information on a Devil’s Breath antiserum which is a cure for an Oscorp-created plague. The Devil’s Breath, oh PLEASE! Osborn thinks a whole lot about himself. Observe the trash can with no liner, but why bother if you don’t even clean up after your own self. GOT ENOUGH TOWELS? The sheer entitlement!

World Toilet Day 2023!

I can’t believe it’s already here. Out of curiosity, which way do you hang your roll of hundos, with bills overtop or underneath? There’s no wrong way to flush those funds right over to the World Toilet Organization. You can donate through PayPal or via Give.Asia to secure your contribution toward dignity in sanitation for all people.

This year, the Gaming Thrones community has sent in a metric shit ton of beautiful gaming shitters and all together $250 in donations to the World Toilet Organization. I couldn’t be more proud. As a reminder to our readers, each brigadier-submitted screenshot is the equivalent of a $5 donation, and each Bucket Brigadier of the Year and annual Blue Bowl Award are $25 donations apiece. All told, this translates to a lot of gaming and an OVERFLOWING of caring from our community.

Collectively it amounts to a staggering 39 shitters and those are just the ones I had time to post. I HAVE MORE just waiting to be shared but you gotta understand I’m just one person and (as hard as it may be to believe) this content require quite a lot of delicate planning and coordination. When I could have been hunting shitters, here I’ve been writing R code and doing something “productive”, like a chump! Ew! Only a few more weeks of actual HELL and I promise more shitters are on their way. Please look forward to it!

Technologically Advanced shitter!

Today’s submission is from Bucket Briagdier Mahilo who sent in this shitter from a little game called Hello Charlotte: Requiem Aeternam Deo. This scene is from Day 1 when you wake up and explore. Roll your mouse over the image to see that advanced technology in action. It does remind one of Mom’s Shitter from Deltarune. Says our Brigadier: “The ‘location’ is called The House. They say that The House is the world. I was just exploring the House at night. This is called the “First Floor” out of 11 total. Your room is on the first floor, which is as normal as the House gets. It’s got a kitchen and bathroom and stuff. Outside the first floor gets weird. The second floor has your school, which has a bathroom, but I don’t remember seeing any toilets in there. I’m not sure I fully understand it myself…”

It sounds like as you ascend floors you DESCEND into shitterless Hell. Well, here’s hoping little Charlotte doesn’t have to spend too much time in the rest of The House.

Derelict PCH shitter!

Bucket Brigadier Lotus submitted this pair of kings from an atmospheric floater called Derelict PCH and supplies the following: “On this level 1 ship with no crew and 1 HP floating above Niira in the Narion system, I found these shitters. The ship itself is infested with Space Maggots, which killed the crew. The crew was hauling contraband and apparently didn’t realize some of the contraband were these maggots or something. After crawling through the ship, I found 100000 credits worth of contraband, some epic items, and this trashed shitter (img 1). This appears to be the brig shitter and the whole bunk is just poorly maintained. They have a nicer shitter (img 2) on the upper deck.”

That’s a cot in there and according to Lotus the door was locked so it’s definitely a linen closet-turned-brig. Space smugglers make do! In fact both of these shitters look like repurposed linen closets, and ew, though. Who puts exposed towels on open shelves next to the shitter?? The second one is a space-saver deluxe. My, what a strange and radiant future, where you can shower in outer space using water, surrounded by towels that are intended to dry you after. It’s definitely water because there’s a drain. And if you have to take a shit you just sit beneath the sink, mind your LOWER BACK as you stand up to wash your hands, and be sure to take advantage of the streamlined “frustration management” tool. Maybe in NG+ they’ve heard of a sonic sanitation system.