We are officially friends!

We are so thrilled and so proud to announce that the World Toilet Organization has given this incredible Certificate of Friendship to Gaming Thrones. A beautiful plaque which I am proud to hang on my wall. The design is in a handsome and stylish toilet bowl blue, and signed by my hero Jack Sim, so I actually have his autograph now.

I would like to take this opportunity to mention that during this time of global awareness around COVID-19 and the coronavirus pandemic, proper sanitation is of paramount importance. The necessity is poignant that all people have access to this basic human right - a safe and clean toilet. And because I know that my Bucket Brigade is as equally passionate about toilets, I am asking you to please celebrate Friendship Day with us by navigating to the World Toilet Organization to make a secure donation of $5. You can donate with PayPal, and there’s even a recurring payment option. For the price of a coffee, we can make a difference.

Thank you for celebrating Friendship Day, July 25, along with me and Jack Sim!

Gauley Mine shitter!

I could be wrong, but I think this was recently added! Because I have been hunting these shitters, let me tell you, and I did not see you here before, Gauley Mine outhouse! Look at the goodies inside. The colors are all fucky because it was night time when I found this, but I wasn’t going to hang around til morning because this place is crawling with icky bugs and crispy zombies. The exterior’s decoration - a crate of explosives - is a saucy wink enticing you to take a peek inside. And inside, there’s gangly little teddy bears, clumps of matted, fallen leaves and part of a butter churn: An addition that is both disgusting, and at the same time so very interesting. Thumbs up to this shitter.

Taiga Farmhouse shitter!

Greetings from scenic Taiga! When you first enter this zone, there’s a whole kerfuffle as you’re ambushed by a forest tribe, and then rescued from drowning by a beautiful forest warrior. When you finally stagger to your feet, you’re outside a tumbledown farmhouse. And right there, this gorgeous, rustic shitter is waiting for you; its door open wide, without words it seems to ask, “Are you okay?” There’s even a heart on the door! A great omen right at the start of this zone.