CALLING ALL COMMODE VIGILANTES.. In Heavy Rain Chapter 31, you are presented with a challenge from a folded paper shark figurine to take a human life. You (being the shark, I presume) swarm boldly to enforce savage justice a bottom-tier apartment-dwelling drug dealer who is probably peddling Adderall or some shit, along with his HIGH STAKES BOUNTY SHITTER (who is a HOSTAGE in this crime web!). When I played this game, I was unable to get the screenshot while simultaneously executing the quicktime movements and I really don’t feel like playing this game again so it’s up to YOU, BRIGADE. If you can get me this screenshot I’ll donate $15 to the selected sanitation charity of 2024 - that’s three times the normal amount for a Shitter Submitter! This shitter is as yet STILL IN CAPTIVITY and needs your help!
This shitter belongs to Raphael, a smoldering hot Demon Lord who looks like he smells like willowbark aftershave and clean laundry I am HERE FOR IT. His silver-plated plop pot is guarded by this man - Unclean Eternal Debtor - who has the enviable employment as “its admirer, protector, its one true beloved.” Fuck’s sake, man. Get some help. UED dances around it a bit and keeps spectators at a respectful distance. This shitter is everything. A pilgrimage locus, a philosopher’s stone, an anchor point for the shreds of sanity all while holding an exalted position in government!
This shitter is a contender for the 2024 Blue Bowl Awards.
From bucket brigadier ILikeSocks comes a secret shitter out of Hitman: World of Assassination! Fucking ‘Vocab’ magazine on the bathroom floor just exemplifies how people treat the once-precious art of grammar nowadays.
Gorgeous and breathtaking, mesmerizing in their artistry, no two are the same. These snowflake shitters are presented for you in gallery format because it’s been pre-pandemic since I took these screenshots (the backlog is extensive) and I do not remember where each of these places were. I know at least one of them was a bloodfly-infested basement, does that help? The lighting, colors, shadows, atmosphere is everything, everything, everything and makes my eyeballs go yoy-oy-oy! Death of the Outsider is a terrific DLC if you loved Dishonored and just wanted a little more. For the chaotic good stealth archer who hunts shitters (me), Dishonored was as close to God as we were gonna get and it’s been far too long since a game quite like this came out. Enjoy the greatness!
At the Nishina Research Station on Freya III you’ll encounter some fucky dimensional folds that you must navigate in order to save many lives and right many wrongs. Idk, was it really wrong? That’s up to you to decide, but if you ask me, humanoids shouldn’t be just parasitizing every flat surface they come across in the universe but hey, that’s our fucking way. In spite of the ethical quandary of humans not belonging here to begin with, Entangled is one of the better quests and not least of all because you get to see this poor little shitter get a glow up. To accomplish this, you have to blip through aforementioned fucky folds (the glittery wispy thing in the hover image). By traveling to and fro through these circumstantial doggy doors, you can save everyone and get another crew member if you do it correctly but that’s sort of incidental compared to rescuing this little bowl from anaerobic hell.
Ready to play a game? It’s called How Good Do You Have It and this game is fun and easy! To participate, you’re gonna head to Sleepcrate, a kicky concept hotel at Ebbside, the most dreadful fish market at the rear of a deafening nightclub! Once there, buy a Mystery Parcel for a cool 1000 creds. Let’s open ‘er up! Facts you may find fun: The mystery parcel is an entire aluminum shipping container and was actually somebody’s house. Here it is! What did you win? Surprise, it’s a shitter, a layoff, and a creepy feeling that your own life could be a lot worse!
Agamon A (a moon of Agamon) has this shitter you’ll find there if the gods are good. Not just abandoned, but underfunded, this outpost has an Arts & Crafts slapped-together feel. The shitter has 2% privacy opacity (I’m sure the ‘accidents’ are directly related to that) and the lighting/aura of Psychotronics. Hover over the image to see the bowl. This place gives me the heebie-jeebies! No need, however. There’s like 1 total thing in the entire game that could even remotely hurt you and it ain’t here, don’t worry, fella. So go ahead, squat in peace!