Mechanic Facilities/Locker Room shitter!

In the “facilities” area of the Mechanics Division you’ll find this area labeled “Locker Room.” But it wears many hats, and functions as a shitter, and compact office for the scholar searching for reasons why the people on Talos I deserve to live. It’s even a secret loot chamber. After you successfully launch Emmanuella and Frank’s escape pod, you learn that Emmanuella left a little goodie bag hidden in that room. Just take it, barely anybody else is even alive to appreciate it.

Welcome, welcome! To the thrilling, winding, epic adventure saga of Fatal Fortress!, an adorable tabletop game that you can find in Prey. The GM, Abigail Foy, leaves treasure maps for each of her friends, who correspond to these character sheets. Featuring such heroes as Hordinbaffle Flagdasterous, with his Staff of Flowers. He seems to take a lot of damage, and have a lot of useless things in his inventory. I think that truly, we can all learn something about ourselves through the mirror of these metaphors. The Bard looks to be doing well-off. That’s what I like to see.

Talos I Lobby shitters!

The lobby area of Talos I is so swanky, from the bombastic tiling, to the brass trimmings, you may pause to ask yourself, “Am I on a Space Station, or in an overpriced hotel?” Just look at how much Space Station real estate they wasted on a separate male and female restroom. The second photo is the Men’s Room. It’s in pretty good shape, and you could probably even reuse it, if you cleared out the dead guy. What’s in the Women’s Room (seen sealed-off in the first photo)? A devil creature from Hell, and a couple of magazines. Why did Talos I even bother with this fussy, separate male and female restrooms? At this stage, it’s unclear.

Morgan Yu’s Apartment shitter!

This shitter is located in your apartment when you start a new game in Prey. Looks pretty great, right? Real cozy? Well, guess again! This shitter is fake! It’s a simulation! I know I just rocked your world and exposed the plot and revealed what you actually learn directly following the tutorial, but I thought it was essential that you know now, so you don’t get your hopes up. That shitter ain’t real, kid. It’s a lie. There are a couple of real-deal shitters in Prey that are kind of wild, and we’ll get to those. But for now this Simulated Apartment Shitter is documented here, for perspective, and posterity.

Today’s Sunday Mail Bag letter comes from loyal Bucket Brigadier imsopopfly. This fan letter was sent in November of 2018, while we were still on Tumblr. Notes like these are dear to my heart. I really treasure that you have been following my adventures for so long. Thank you for your support, Brigadier!

Here are some things that will be coming soon to Gaming Thrones!

  • Shitter Submitter! You will be able to submit your own screenshots to Gaming Thrones.
  • Mailbag! Send a personal message directly to the author of this blog.
  • A Surprise!!
    • There will soon be a brand new interactive link on the lefthand nav bar that I’m eager to share with you, and that I hope each and every Bucket Brigadier will visit, when it is added to the site.

That’s all for now! As always, thank you for your readership.

Item: Pink Jeans of the Homing Jump Kick; Once per hour the wearer can select a target and leap into a jump kick and will not land until they connect the kick to the target (gliding through the air at the standard height for such a kick, traveling at their max running speed) or after the hour ends.

Soldier’s Field shitters!

Another ‘amusement park’ in Columbia, Soldier’s Field features a baffling puzzle that only the most discerning simpleton could ever solve.

In the first photo, we see the Men’s Room (you can tell it’s a Men’s Room because it has a dead dude in it) with a crass graffito scrawled across the urinal station. Elizabeth suggests you start looking for clues. Luckily for you, a huge clue to what the mysterious message says can be found in the hand of the corpse on the floor.

Follow the clue to discover a secret door in a location that is pretty much shouting “This right here is a secret door.” It’s in the empty stall in the adjacent Women’s Room. Sleuthy!