A beautifully-tiled wooden potty stall!

From the Shitters of Fear anthology, our Bucket Brigadier ILikeSocks shares this gorgeous outhouse from Resident Evil: Village. Bravely reporting live from a super frightening place, and getting us all in the mood for Halloween, Socks says “I had to crop the RE8 ones like crazy to get them to send.” We all make concessions, why I myself had to ruin the mood on the second image rollover by turning the brightness all the way tf up because couldn’t see a god damn thing. Turns out light levels play a major role in scary-ness, because this potty is actually quite nice. I mean, it’s brick, and brick is ick, if we’re being honest, but overall, it’s a solid shitter. Such architecture could probably withstand a hurricane, so definitely a place I would hide from zombies and ghosts. Watch out, or the Babadookie will get you!

Lom Stavkyrkje, Norway, was built in the 12th century and is one of very few such structures which retains its original medieval crest of a dragon’s head.

Frostflow Lighthouse shitters!

What’s sad, Brigade? I mean what’s really, really sad. How about a family of Redguards dying at the hands of eyeless, cannibal ghouls in an icy prison at the edge of the world? If that was your guess, go ahead and pat yourself on the back because baby, you earned it.

Yes, I’m playing Skyrim again. Why? Because I feel like it, okay! And also, I realized that Elder Scrolls VI is coming out pretty “soon” and I haven’t gotten all the achievements yet on the Legendary edition. So here we are. But it’s a good thing, because BEHOLD! Frostflow Lighthouse has a couple of chamber pots in the living quarters. When you stumble onto this scene of carnage in the middle of the frosty armpit of the world, it’s very messy, and there’s locked doors and mysterious mystery. Fortunately, they left behind a lot of diaries and notes that really spell it out for you. Ramati and Habd bought this lighthouse for their family home, and although their children hated it and one was even fixing to run away, they tried to make a life here. But then that life was met by terrible Death! Who could have done this? And what is the strange clicking sound coming from the basement? Speaking of which, if you want to get into said basement you will need to find the key, hidden in “Mother’s Favorite Keepsake.” Happens to be a burial urn. Fuck’s sake, Ma.

After stepping ginglerly over cracked femurs and shimmying down a thrilling ice chute slip-n-slide, locating the party responsible, and destroying it, you get a chance to recover Habd’s remains and do the decent thing by giving him a proper burial. In return, you’ll receive a nice buff to your Restoration skills.

Fungal Farmhouse shitters!

Remnant: From the Ashes is a co-op survival game with shitters! Check out this contribution from Bucket Brigadier Emrysin:

“These are actually two different toilets. The glowing thing is a healing potion; it’s called bloodwort, and it’s inside of the toilet. As we were exploring the DLC, I saw this abandoned farmhouse and I thought, ‘I wonder if there’s a toilet.’ So I asked Alec, ‘Have you seen a toilet,’ and he said, ‘What do you mean, I was JUST in the bathroom.’ There was an event that happened right outside the farmhouse, it was called Survive the Swarm. After surviving the swarm of corruption, I found time to relax in this restroom.”

Incredible reporting from this Brigadier. And welcome to the newest member of the Bucket Brigade, Alec! Not sure how I feel about HP potions inside toilets, but I guess you have to do whatever it takes to survive! I had to turn up the brightness on these screenshots because this is one dank farmhouse but I’m enjoying the wallpaper, the handicap-accessible doorframes, and the push-button flush mechanism on the shitters. Whenever I see one of these in a game, I think about that one anachronism from Fallout 76.

Empty Fancy shitter!

It’s fancy. And I’m not sure if that’s because it has a woodgrain toilet seat, or if it’s because of the goldtone flush handle, or maybe because it remains intact while the entire wall behind it has been annihilated. “DIY’d into a walk-through garden passway!” is what the MLS listing for this house would read. Granted, I haven’t seen the other shitters in this game (if any), so I don’t know how fancy it is compared to those. This shitter comes to us from bucket brigadier Emrysin and it’s from the game 7 Days to Die. According to our brigadier, you can’t use the toilet, it’s merely decorative. And maybe provides minimal cover for your bow and arrow when the time comes to defend your hovel against the legions of the undead, but I wouldn’t stake my life on it.

The Witness: Alternate Ending shitter!

This game came out in 2016 and it’s still easily one of the best, most relaxing brain teasers available. As you may know, in the very first zone there’s an archway that presents as a puzzle and if you complete it, you get to see the game credits. It meanders and leads you to this alternate ending where you see one of the game creators waking up from a VR sleep, connected to a piss bottle. I sadly didn’t get a shot of the piss bottle (you’re welcome). This bloke wanders around eating cookies and stuff and he also shows you where the bathroom is. So this is the only shitter in The Witness. You don’t get to see the inside, he just stands there caressing the sigil and then moves on, but it deserves to be documented regardless. It’s here in this hallway, take a right after the Christmas Tree and it’s just before you get to the lovely, ornamental, backyard, urban zen garden.