Fellglow Keep shitter!

Everybody poops; even necromancers poop. Note the leisure reading, sawdust barrel and scooper.

Honorhall Orphanage shitter!

Here in Riften, the residents of this children’s home are taught proper hygiene by Constance Michel.

Burrows Lighthouse Shitter!

The swankiest shitter in Dunwall. This is even nicer than the toilets at the Boyle mansion. There are clean linens laid out for Admiral Farley Havelock to wipe the blood of the Loyalists from his hands. All the utilities work (more than what you can say for the entire city of Dunwall). This interior design really has that ‘Grand and Stately Bullshit Rumored to be Classy’ Look, and it’s ghastly.

Dunwall Prison shitter!

Here’s where the Mission to Escape Dunwall Prison begins! The heart of darkness, mere meters from the entrance to the Dunwall Sewers. Here’s Corvo’s cell, starring a City Watch Guard who is keeping my seat warm. Don’t worry, he’s still alive. I only choked him out and set him down to rest on the shitter. Silent and non-lethal, my motto for Dishonored.

The People’s Bank of Point Lookout shitter!

This is a miniscule gnome, within a safe deposit box, performing maintenance on a little-ass shitter with an itty bitty-ass plunger. “Have yourself a seat,” he gestures in his squeaky voice, at the mostly broken bowl. You politely wave your hand to indicate No, and he pulls out a switchblade. “I said. Have a seat.”

Ark and Dove Cathedral shitter!

With a special guest speaker. This man, who would identify himself only as “Tribal,” offers sage wisdom from deep within. He speaks from experience, people.