Apartment shitter!

You thought the people you had to share a suite with were pigs? This is a whole new level, in fact this is the 2007 level of Unpacking. This was my least favorite level because of the gross housemates. I lived with people like this once and can definitely say I would never do this again and would not recommend it to anyone. First of all TRUST ME, your housemates ARE using all your shit that you leave out in any area they deem to be “fair use.” The rest of this level is insane. You can almost smell the living room spilling over with cosplay and anime crap and dining area where they just have an eternal Dungeons & Dragons game going for the rest of their lives. No to everything. And in here, it’s just obnoxious. The shampoo bottles on the floor because they’re the jumbo size bigger than the trash can. Do not store your TP rolls and menstrual products on the FLOOR under the SINK, what is wrong with you? I also really do not get this concept of keeping a razor out on an open shelf like first of all that’s germs, second that’s not safe. Oh good thing you have a naked bar of soap on the sink surround like for cleaning your little hands, and all that? It’s not going to get disgusting and absolutely cemented there or anything. Listen roommates, if you have this much shit, keep it in a caddy in your own bedroom. And there was MORE (note the unopened box on the floor). Also, is that just a washer, or just a dryer? It’s not a combo, let me reassure you right now there is no way in hell the landlord of this place is shelling out that kind of cash for people who will probably break it before the lease is up. In Two Thousand and SEVEN.