Posted on January 2, 2024
Announcing the 2023 Bucket Brigadier of the Year!
Gaming Thrones consists of an army of shitter hunters who flood my notifications with exquisite screenshots and among many, one has stood out this year as the most eagle-eyed of all - Rockin T, who submitted so many shitters I couldn’t even post them all in 2023. There are currently 8 of Rockin T’s shitter snaps up on this blog, and many more that are still waiting to be revealed. Please enjoy this interview of our 2023 Brigadier, as she grants us insight into her ways and means:
“A pic of my dog Blizzard Snowball McFluffyface (Blizzy for short), using my Skyrim pillow and chilling next to my spider plushie Charlie! The pillow has the quote “Hey, you. You’re finally awake” which is really funny to see when you wake up in the morning.”
What were some of the best games you played in 2023?
“I loved Jedi: Survivor and Outer Worlds! Jedi: Survivor really expanded beyond the scope of the first game. I had a lot of fun changing up Cal’s appearance (#LongHairCalForLife), getting to know Skoova Stev, and customizing my lightsaber! Outer Worlds was also so so fun as someone who loves Fallout: New Vegas. I love Parvati with my whole entire heart. Also, shout-out to honorable mentions Yakuza 4 and the Resident Evil 3/4 REmakes. OH AND Life Makeover! It’s a dress-up/mystery game that I’ve played every day for months that I like a lot.”
What games are you playing right now?
“I’m technically in the middle of Ocarina of Time, the Ace Attorney trilogy, Yakuza: Dead Souls, Separate Ways (REmake 4), Outer Worlds (the DLCs), Sonic and the Secret Rings, and Balder’s Gate 3. I bounce between consoles that I have at school and at home, so I’m a bit all over the place!”
How do you feel about being the Bucket Brigadier of 2023?
“It’s an honor! I told my brother and he had me repeat myself about 5 times trying to figure out if I was saying actual words. I had never given much thought to toilets/bathrooms in video games before, but now I get excited when I find one! It’s like a scavenger hunt and I’ve got my eyes PEELED. It’s especially exciting when some kind of encounter happens IN the bathroom.”
Thank you, Rockin T for all you do to enhance and enrich the diversity of our shitter compendium. You have a winner’s mindset when it comes to Shitter Safari. Rockin T worked really hard for this award, and she deserves it. In honor of Rockin T’s commitment to Gaming Thrones, $25 will be donated to the sanitation charity of our choice in 2024. Please look forward to the Blue Bowl Awards, coming soon!