SPOILER ALERT: Secret shit ahead!

From Bucket Brigadier ILikeSocks, this Pacific Drive shitter comes with secrets! “There’s a shitter in the garage that is protected by a 4 digit keypad, for story reasons, with a hidden passage that activates when you use the hand drier.” Think of it as a reward for actually washing your mitts. Take notice because shitters are #DoingMorein2024: This shitter did the smart thing and took advantage of the money they received from the CARES Act to get trained as a security guard.

Safezone shitter!

From Pacific Drive, courtesy of the inimitable ILikeSocks: “The shitter is located in the safe zone/mission hub area that you return to between levels. The zone serves as your garage where you make repairs and build shit before going back out.” Of course the shitter is in the safe zone. The shitter uplifts you. The shitter protects.

Spooky Glow shitter!

From our 2022 Brigadier of the Year ILikeSocks, out of PacificDrive. Intimidation shitters! If Oblivion had shitters I imagine they would look something like this. Whence comes this eerie pink glow? “Oh I threw that flare. Game’s dark as fuck so unless I light them I cant see shit. Uh im really liking the game. It’s my kind of weird. A lot of scavenging and car maintanence.” Here we see increased variety in Pacific Drive shitters, in form as well as function. One is sunk into a fixture surround and clutches a cache of goods that may determine your very survival. The second looks a capitious gargoyle in a standalone gothic cranny in the midst of an ashen midden. Hellfire and native sulfur smite thee if you disrespect these shitters!

The shitter within!

Courtesy of Bucket Brigadier ILikeSocks: “Pacific Drive. You’re trapped in the Olympic Exclusion Zone located in the Pacific Northwest. It’s sort of a paranatural Chernobyl where some shit clearly went wrong and everything’s abandoned, full of anomalies and monster things. You need to manage your PoS car to cross the zone and escape. Your car even develops anomalies if you’re out too long. Turning my steering wheel causes the headlights to turn off and it takes place like 90% at night. The car becomes self-aware. Now everytime I get in and out of my car it opens my left door. It slammed the trunk door down on my head and caused damage. Anyway.. I’m not sure why there’s an outhouse INSIDE the building… 100% there is no indoor plumbing on this one so that little gas station cabin thing must STINK.”

The graphics in Pacific Drive have a distinctive flair similar to The Long Dark, which is also a post-apocalyptic exploring game. Do the shitters in Pacific Drive become self-aware like the car? And do they need therapy when it happens?