Todd Howard pronounces “Nuclear.” At the end of the video, a clip from a Simpsons episode demonstrating the same.

Fallout: The Vault Dweller’s Official Cookbook, by Victoria Rosenthal.

Life Support shitter!

In the gender-neutral shitter of the Life Support division of Talos I, you’ll find this fuckery. Since nobody is left alive to tell the tale, we have to piece the story together from what remains. We know from a nearby Transcribe that a Typhon took over Kirk Remmer’s body and killed everyone. Based on this, my guess is in their haste incapacitate Remmer, someone sprayed Gloo all over the place, and in their panic accidentally popped Alton Weber (the corpse on the floor) right in the face.

But look past the carnage that resulted from unprepared professionals, and check out this cool Creamsicle aesthetic. Explore this bathroom to find a hidden compartment containing a useful keycard!

Is fulfilling some nerd’s dream of playing God on a Science Vessel orbitting the moon getting you down? Piss your afternoon away in Cargo Bay Compartment 2825 with some booze, cigars, and a game of chess, because who the fuck wants to be an astronaut, anyway.

Sanctuary Hills custom shitter!

Fallout 4’s Settlement functions allow the player to add many fun, creative structures to claimed towns. Here’s a shitter I made in Sanctuary Hills. Now I know that the plumbing wouldn’t really work, but if you pretend that it would, you’d probably use that enamel bucket to bring water to the bowl to make it flush. The boxes and stuff are for all kinds of supplies you’ll need in an open-air shitter such as this (tp, antibacterial soap, and a .44 to fend off the radroaches). There’s some lovely decor, including a rug that ought to keep down the radioactive vines and stuff. The ash tray is handy for burning some incense after you’re done to keep it smelling OK. Building this for my settlers gave me a feeling of satisfaction, however, I felt that it was total bullshit that that crafting a custom shitter, with love, did nothing to improve their overall happiness.